Monday, October 1, 2007

Steve Moves In

This weekend we took Steve to Hamilton so he could start his new job.
Poor boy has to rough it in the house for 3 weeks until I move down with the boys and the furniture!
So all our camping equipment has come in handy, sleeping on a blow up mattress and using plastic plates and cups!

As the pictures show, it looks like a student rental where people have just placed a mish mash of furniture into the house.

This is the dining area with the kitchen. The lounge and master bedroom is through the far door at the end.

The boys 2 rooms and bathroom is through the door from the kitchen. This is also where the laundry is.

This little part of deck is at the back of the house and is enclosed a little, although Steve informs me when the wind is blowing it is like a wind trap there! It is clean and tidy and suitable for us until we find somewhere to buy for ourselves, although we are not in any hurry as we want to get the feel for the place, good and bad areas, schools etc

So next year we will buy.


blah blah blah